
Tamara . FastovskaTamara . Fastovska Tamara . Fastovska Phd in mathematics, docent (associate professor)

Stanislav . KolbasinStanislav . Kolbasin Stanislav . Kolbasin Senior lecturer

Irina . Ryzhkova-GerasimovaIrina . Ryzhkova-Gerasimova Irina . Ryzhkova-Gerasimova Docent (associate professor)

Aleksey . ShcherbinaAleksey . Shcherbina Aleksey . Shcherbina Phd in mathematics, senior lecturer

Maria . ShcherbinaMaria . Shcherbina Maria . Shcherbina Professor of department of fundamental mathematics

Dmitry . ShepelskyDmitry . Shepelsky Dmitry . Shepelsky Professor of department of fundamental mathematics, doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics

Schedule for today

I.. Ryzhkova-Gerasimova
  12:00   13:20

Week schedule

Tamara . Fastovska

Phd in mathematics, docent (associate professor)

Education and academic status:

2008-PhD in Mathematical Physics

PhD Thesis “The asymptotic behavior of solutions to the Mindlin plates thermoelastic problems.” Scientific advisor - I.D. Chueshov

2017- Associate Professor

Research interests:

Dynamical systems,

Well-posedness and asymptotic analysis of nonlinear differential and integrodifferential evolution equations

Singular perturbations

Mathematical fluid and gas dynamics, fluid/gas-structure interactions, application of motion of fluids to hemodynamics

Nonlinear coupled PDE systems, thermoelasticity

International  activities:

International scientific visits:

University Duisburg-Essen, Technical University of Dresden, Technical University of Brunswick, Humboldt University of Berlin, University of Luebeck, Free University of Berlin (Germany)

Abdus Salam International Center of Theoretical Physics, Triest (Italy)

University of Surrey (UK)

Lanzhou University (China)

International projects:

Jan 2020-Dec 2022 - Volkswagen Stiftung grant for International Research Project „ From Modeling and Analysis to Approximation", Humboldt University of Berlin, Technical University of Brunswick, University of Luebeck, Germany

Jun 2016-August 2019 - Volkswagen Stiftung grant for International Research Project „Modeling, Analysis, and Approximation Theory toward Applications in Tomography and Inverse Problems“, Humboldt University of Berlin, Technical University of Brunswick, University of Luebeck, Germany


1 Mar. 2013-28 Feb. 2014 N.I. Akhiezer Foundation Grant 2013, USA-Ukraine.

9-27 Oct 2006 - UNESCO grant for participation in School on nonlinear PDEs, Triest, Italy.

1 Nov. 2003- 30 Sep. 2006 -Leonhard-Euler-Scholarship Program grant, DAAD, Free University of Berlin, Germany 

Courses 2019-2020


Equations of Mathematical Physics (BSc, 7-8 term,  Mathematics+Applied Mathematics)

Partial Differential Equations (MSc, 1 term, Mathematics)


Dynamical Systems (BSc, 5 term, Mathematics+Applied Mathematics, 7 term, BSc, 7-8 term, Mathematics+Applied Mathematics)

Sobolev Spaces and Theory of Unbounded Operators (BSc, 8 term, Mathematics)

Contact information:

E-Mail: fastovskaya@karazin.ua

Office: 5-33, Main building