
Tamara . FastovskaTamara . Fastovska Tamara . Fastovska Phd in mathematics, docent (associate professor)

Stanislav . KolbasinStanislav . Kolbasin Stanislav . Kolbasin Senior lecturer

Irina . Ryzhkova-GerasimovaIrina . Ryzhkova-Gerasimova Irina . Ryzhkova-Gerasimova Docent (associate professor)

Aleksey . ShcherbinaAleksey . Shcherbina Aleksey . Shcherbina Phd in mathematics, senior lecturer

Maria . ShcherbinaMaria . Shcherbina Maria . Shcherbina Professor of department of fundamental mathematics

Dmitry . ShepelskyDmitry . Shepelsky Dmitry . Shepelsky Professor of department of fundamental mathematics, doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics

Schedule for today

T.. Fastovska
  8:30   9:50  10:10   11:30  12:00   13:20

Week schedule

Dmitry . Shepelsky

Professor of department of fundamental mathematics, doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics

Dmytro (Dmitry) Shepelskiy (Shepelsky)

e-mail: shepelsky@yahoo.com


09/2016–Present: Professor, School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: V.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

02/2010–Present: Leading research fellow: B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

09/1985–02/2010: Junior research fellow, Research fellow, Senior research fellow: B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Doctor of Sciences Thesis: "Method of Riemann-Hilbert problems for inverse spectral problems and nonlinear integrable equations" (2008, B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Kharkiv,Ukraine).

Habilitation Thesis: "Contributions a l'étude des propriétés spectrales et de scattering de la propagation des ondes électromagnétiques" (2000, University Paris 7 Denis Diderot, Paris, France).

PhD (Candidate of sciences) Thesis: "Inverse spectral problems for differential operators with matching conditions" (1992, Kharkiv State University, Kharkiv, Ukraine).

Research interests: inverse spectral problems, inverse scattering problems, integrable nonlinear partial differential equations.